Busman: Dear lady, what I mean is that the price of labour is getting cheaper! Even with its food, a robot costs no more than three quarters of a cent per hour! It's wonderful; every factory is buying robots as quick as they can to reduce production costs, and those that aren't are going bankrupt.
Helena: Yes, that's right, and throwing their workers out on the streets.
Busman: Haha, well of course they are!

- Karel Čapek, R.U.R.: Rossum's Universal Robots

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Preparing the Raspberry Pi


In this chapter we are going to show how to setup and prepare the Raspberry Pi computer for the Blue Seal Project.

In the first section we are going to briefly comment on how to prepare the Raspberry Pi computer for launch and show which programs we should install. In the second section we are going to learn how to turn your Raspberry Pi into a Wi-Fi router and present easy-to-use scripts to reduce the work.

Blue Seal Project created by Jiří Daněk (2013-2016)