It was not an evil dream to shatter the servitude of labour – the dreadful and humiliating labour that men had to undergo. Work was too hard. Life was too hard. And to overcome that...

- Karel Čapek, R.U.R.: Rossum's Universal Robots

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Setting the Basic Controller


In this section we are going to introduce the Settings of the Basic Controller. Especially, we are going to discuss the Settings of individual buttons which can be applied also in the Video Controller.

When we enter the settings BS Starter → Settings/Basic Controller in the menu on the start screen, we see that there are not many things we can set. This is due to the fact that we already set all important values in the bare minimum and all changes of layout can be done dynamically while running the Basic Controller and accessing the menu.

Distinguishing buttons


The settings BS Starter → Settings/Basic Controller takes us to the screen shown on the right. The buttons in the Basic Controller are divided into two categories:

  • Upper-Bar Buttons - contains 8 buttons on two lines (i.e., 4 by 2)
  • Dial-Up Buttons - contains 9 buttons on three lines (i.e., 3 by 3)

These two categories lead us to two distinct settings screens which are shown on the following picture on the left-hand side and on the right-hand side, respectively. On the picture we can also see how the buttons of the Basic Controller are divided into these two categories:


The Upper-Bar buttons are numerated horizontally starting by 01 and ending by 08. The Dial-Up buttons are also numerated horizontally in the same manner as the dial-up buttons on a phone. Their numbers start by 01 and end by 09.

Setting the buttons


Every item on the previous two screens corresponds to one particular button in the Basic Controller and its opening leads to the window with button settings as shown on the picture on the right.

There are two items that can be set for every single buttons separately:

Name Type Description
Set Image string (from list) Here we can set the image for this particular button which will be stored and shown in the Basic Controller. We can choose an arbitrary image for every single button from the list shown below. If we choose the image none, the button will be disabled and will not be clickable.
Set Command string Here we can set the value for the key $(CMD) of this particular button which will be send to the TCP/IP server as demonstrated in this tutorial.

List of images

In order to offer versatility for users, one can assign a diverse image to every single button. All available images along with their names are listed in the table below.

Note that if one assigns the blank image none to a button, the button will be disabled in the Controller.

Image Name Image Name Image Name
arrow_backward arrow_backward_left arrow_backward_right
arrow_down_left arrow_down_right arrow_forward
arrow_forward_left arrow_forward_right arrow_left
arrow_forward_right arrow_rotate_left arrow_right
arrow_up_left arrow_up_right blink
blueseal camera camera_no
controller download eject
fwd get_angles get_angles2
globe greendot change
info next none
n_1 n_2 n_3
n_4 n_5 n_6
n_7 n_8 n_9
n_sharp n_0 n_star
pause play powerswitch
prev rec repr
repr_no repr_volume_high repr_volume_low
rew robot robot_2
robot_3 robot_3_no robot_2
ruler ruler2 save
settings stop support
trash_bin trash_bin2 wifi


In this section we learned how to change image and command of every single button in the Basic Controller.

Blue Seal Project created by Jiří Daněk (2013-2016)