Busman: Dear lady, what I mean is that the price of labour is getting cheaper! Even with its food, a robot costs no more than three quarters of a cent per hour! It's wonderful; every factory is buying robots as quick as they can to reduce production costs, and those that aren't are going bankrupt.
Helena: Yes, that's right, and throwing their workers out on the streets.
Busman: Haha, well of course they are!

- Karel Čapek, R.U.R.: Rossum's Universal Robots

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General Settings


In the previous article we have shown how to enter the Settings and how to set the bare minimum. In this article we are going to discuss the remaining general settings.

There are two remaining subcategories in the General Settings (i.e., BS Starter → Settings/General/) which we will discuss here. One subcategory is called Masks and Constants and the other Predefinied settings.

Masks and Constants

Let us focus on the subcategory BS Starter → Settings/General/Masks and Constants where we can define masks and various constants to make the BS Controller more flexible. We will describe all items in the following table.

Name Type Description
Mask for Received string This item holds a string that is shown in the scrollable text fields in the Basic and Video Controller. The string can hold new keys of form $(KEY) which are substituted from the server's response in form $(KEY=XYZ) by the substring XYZ. For more details take a look at the second tutorial.
Mask for CMDs string If a button is pressed in the Basic or Video Controller, a string is sent to a server. This string can be unique for each button (we will learn how to set the string in the next article). Leave this entry blank for sending this unique commands only (blank is equivalent for the key $(CMD)$). Such mask as Button_$(CMD)_on_Controller_was_pressed sends the same text to the server where the second part is replaced by the unique command of the pressed button(e.g., Button_UP_01_on_Controller_was_pressed).
STEPS integer Here we can define an integer constant stored in the key $(STEPS).
STEPS_FORWARD integer Here we can define an integer constant stored in the key $(STEPS_FORWARD).
STR_A string Here we can define the string held in the key $(STR_A).
STR_B string Here we can define the string held in the key $(STR_B).
STR_C string Here we can define the string held in the key $(STR_C).
STR_D string Here we can define the string held in the key $(STR_D).

Predefined Settings

Since the Blue Seal Controller was originally designed to control the Blue Seal Robot, the text commands are quite complex. This could mean an obstacle for people learning how to use the BS Controller for their own projects.

Therefore, when the Controller is installed basic setting with very simple text commands, masks and images is set as default(so called Basic Settings). When we start the Video Controller a test pipeline is created and we can check whether our device can handle the Gstreamer.

In order to use the Blue Seal Robot scripts and control the Robot, we need to switch settings of the Blue Seal Controller to the Blue Seal Settings with more elaborate text commands and masks. This can be easily done in the last subcategory (i.e., BS Starter → Settings/General/Predefined Settings).

Both settings can be modified and restored as the user wishes. Just be aware that all modifications will be lost by restoring any of the two settings.


In this article we have shown the remaining general settings. In the following articles we are going to concentrate on the settings of the Basic and the Video Controller.

Blue Seal Project created by Jiří Daněk (2013-2016)